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Lenten Season


Weekday Mass

7am Tuesday-Friday

8:30am Tuesday-Friday


Saturday 3-4:30pm

Wednesday 6-7:30pm

Or By Appointment


6-7am Tuesday-Friday

6-7:30pm Wednesday

Stations of the Cross

Friday evenings of Lent


The Light is On For You

Thursday, March 14th


Confession & Adoration

Fasting & Almsgiving

Friday Evening Soup Suppers

We will be meeting for soup suppers on February 16th, February 23rd, March 1st, March 8th, March 15th, and March 23rd from 5:45-6:45PM in the Parish Center. Stations of the Cross will be available following supper.

Donations will be accepted for the Children's Healing Center. 

Coins for Kids

Coins for Kids is a wonderfully easy and tangible way that you can make a difference for life.  Simply pick up a baby bottle beginning the weekend of February 17-18 at the back of church or in school.  Fill the bottle with spare change for three weeks and then return the bottle by Friday, March 15th.

Weekly Collections/Donations

We will continue our collections each week in church. To help several organizations, you can bring a donation each week such as: 


Toilet Paper



Travel-Sized Items

Individual Snacks

Laundry Soap


Shaving Products

White Socks (new)

Denture Care Items

Baby Toiletries

Baby Food/Snacks

Diapers (larger sizes)

Feminine Products


Lenten Reflection Booklets

We have copies of various Lenten reflection books that will be available in the narthex until we run out. Resources include options for adults, families, and children.


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Visit and search for our parish (St Patrick, Parnell) by name or zip code (49301). 

Holy Week & Triduum Mass Schedule

Palm Sunday

March 23rd 5PM

March 24th 8AM

March 24th 10:30AM

Holy Thursday

March 28th at 7PM

(Adoration Chapel of Repose will be in the Parish Center following Mass until 10PM)

Good Friday

March 29th 3pm

Confession 12-2PM

Holy Saturday

Blessing of Easter Food

March 30th 10AM

Easter Vigil

March 30th 9PM

Easter Sunday

March 31st 8AM

March 31st 10:30AM

Easter Egg Hunts following each Mass

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