Volunteer Opportunities
Helping Hearts, Helping Hands
The new ministry at St. Patrick Parish aims to connect any volunteers who have skills and a desire to serve with fellow St. Patrick members who have a need. The services of this ministry will be provided without charge in an atmosphere of mutual respect and blessing.
Welcoming Ministry
Welcoming new parishioners and helping them to feel a part of the St. Patrick family.
Hands of Service
Providing St. Patrick family members with assistance around the house, yard, and other various projects.
Grief Ministry
Supporting St. Patrick family members when they have experienced a loss.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound
Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion take Communion and the Word of God, weekly or monthly, to those who are unable to attend Mass. Many of our brothers and sisters are unable to be with us as we celebrate the Eucharist each Sunday because they are recovering from illness, are homebound due to disability, or are permanent residents in area nursing homes and assisted living facilities. Please contact the parish office if you know of a parish member that is unable to attend Mass.
Funeral Luncheon Committee
This ministry provides the gift of food and comfort to our parish families grieving the loss of a loved one. Members arrange luncheons for the mourners following funeral liturgies held at St. Patrick. Please consider volunteering as a team leader, caller, worker, or to provide a food dish to be served at a luncheon.
Peace & Justice Committee
The Peace & Justice Committee serves as a vehicle to enhance the parish’s desire to be Christ to the world.
The committee helps the parish to develop and support leadership in social ministry, create partnerships with Catholic social agencies and the wider church, strengthen its linkages to other faith communities and the larger civic community.
Ongoing Projects
Baby Pantry of Lowell Support
Flat River Outreach Ministries Support
Food Collections for area food pantries
Habitat for Humanity
Helping Hearts, Helping Hands
Migrant Assistance and Support
Military and Armed Forces Support
North Kent Connect Support
Parish Garden
Prison/Jail Ministry
Refugee Resettlement
Respect Life Committee