Fellowship Opportunities

Senior Luncheons
All seniors, ages 60 and older and invited. We gather in the parish center of St. Patrick’s the second Thursday of every month (except July and August). Together we enjoy a meal, fellowship, and special programs.
Contact the Parish Office

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization open to all Catholic men 18 years of age or older. Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month. Some of the activities sponsored by the Knights include ministering to the needs of the Church by raising funds for various groups, through parish breakfasts held on the first Sunday of the month (September-June).
Contact Paul Mauric

Lenten Evenings
Join us for Soup Supper and Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent. Soup is served from 6 – 6:45 PM in the Parish Center, with Stations of the Cross in the church at 7:00 PM. Donations are accepted, and all donations benefit a local cause.
Contact the Parish Office

Auction, raffles, dancing, games, Las Vegas tent, 5K race, beer tent, antique car and tractor display, bingo and our famous chicken dinner. All of this, every year – the last full weekend of June.
Check the bulletin for details

Fishing Tournament
Held annually in August at Wabasis Lake, this a day you don’t want to miss. Form a team and join us for fishing, prizes, and dinner. Families are encouraged to register and compete in our special family division.
Check the bulletin for details

Wild Game Dinner
Held annually in December, this event is a combination potluck and chef-prepared wild game and farm produce dinner. Come enjoy delicious food, silent auctions, 50/50 raffles, and more! A sell-out every year!
Check the bulletin for details